Legislature(2013 - 2014)Anch Temporary LIO

12/18/2013 10:00 AM House LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

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10:06:00 AM Start
10:35:31 AM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Location: ANC Temp LIO, 733 W 4th Ave, Rm 105
Call to Order
Executive Session - RFP 598: State Capitol,
Seismic Retrofit & Exterior Renovation, Phase II
Approval of Minutes
Ratification of Charitable Events
<Above Item Removed from Agenda>
Contract Approvals
- Kodiak LIO Lease Renewal
- Westlaw Access
Other Committee Business
- Late Travel & Per Diem Requests
<Teleconference Listen Only>
                       DECEMBER 18, 2013                                                                                      
                           10:06 AM                                                                                           
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Representative Mike Chenault                                                                                                    
Representative Max Gruenberg                                                                                                    
Representative Craig Johnson                                                                                                    
Representative Lance Pruitt                                                                                                     
Senator John Coghill                                                                                                            
Senator Charlie Huggins                                                                                                         
Senator Gary Stevens                                                                                                            
MEMBERS ON TELECONFERENCE                                                                                                     
Representative Mike Hawker, Chair                                                                                               
Senator Peter Micciche, Vice Chair                                                                                              
Senator Dennis Egan                                                                                                             
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
Representative Bill Stoltze                                                                                                     
Representative Peggy Wilson                                                                                                     
Senator Mike Dunleavy                                                                                                           
Senator Kevin Meyer                                                                                                             
APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                                                                             
CONTRACT APPROVALS                                                                                                              
OTHER COMMITTEE BUSINESS                                                                                                        
SPEAKER REGISTER                                                                                                              
Pam Varni, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs Agency                                                                       
Juli Lucky, Staff to Representative Mike Hawker and Committee                                                                   
 Aide to Legislative Council                                                                                                    
Doug Gardner, Legal Services Director, LAA                                                                                      
     10:06:00 AM                                                                                                              
  I. SPEAKER MIKE CHENAULT, acting on behalf of Chair Mike Hawker who                                                         
     participated  via teleconference, called the  Legislative Council                                                        
     meeting  to order  at 10:06  a.m. in  room 105  of  the Anchorage                                                          
     Legislative Office Building located at 733 W 4 Avenue.                                                                     
     Present  at the call  were Representatives Chenault,  Hawker (via                                                          
     teleconference),  and  Johnson; Senators  Huggins, Coghill,  Egan                                                          
     (via teleconference), Stevens, and Micciche (via teleconference).                                                          
     Representatives  Gruenberg and Pruitt  joined the  meeting during                                                          
     executive session.                                                                                                         
 II. EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                                        
     a. RFP 598:  Alaska State  Capitol, Seismic  Retrofit &  Exterior                                                        
        Renovation, Phase II                                                                                                  
     SPEAKER  CHENAULT,  prior to  the  motion  to  go into  executive                                                          
     session,  noted for  the record that  the following  people would                                                          
     participate in executive  session in addition to Council members:                                                          
     Pam  Varni,  Executive Director,  LAA;  Tina Strong,  Procurement                                                          
     Officer,  LAA; Juli  Lucky, Legislative  Council  Committee Aide;                                                          
     Wayne  Jensen,   Jensen  Yorba  Lott  (via  teleconference);  Don                                                          
     Johnston,  Capitol  Building Manager,  LAA (via  teleconference);                                                          
     Jeff   Goodell,  Incoming  Capitol  Building   Manager,  LAA  and                                                          
     Evaluation  Committee  Member  (via teleconference);  and  Cecile                                                          
     Elliott, Evaluation Committee Member (via teleconference).                                                                 
     10:09:07 AM                                                                                                              
     SENATE PRESIDENT  HUGGINS moved that Legislative  Council go into                                                          
     executive session under Uniform Rule 22 (b) for the discussion of                                                          
     matters, the immediate  knowledge of which would adversely affect                                                          
     the finances of a government unit.                                                                                         
     A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
     YEAS:   Chenault,  Johnson,  Huggins,   Coghill,  Egan,  Stevens,                                                          
             Micciche, Hawker                                                                                                   
     NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
     The motion to go into executive session passed 8-0.                                                                        
     10:09:59 AM                                                                                                              
     Legislative Council went into executive session.                                                                           
     Representatives  Gruenberg and Pruitt  joined the  meeting during                                                          
     the executive session.                                                                                                     
10:18:30 AM                                                                                                                   
Legislative Council came out of executive session.                                                                              
PAM VARNI, Executive Director, LAA, said LAA went out  to bid for                                                               
RFP  598:  Alaska  State Capitol,  Seismic  Retrofit  &  Exterior                                                               
Renovation, Phase  II. The  RFP was  issued to solicit  proposals                                                               
from general  construction contractors to serve  as "construction                                                               
manager/general contractor." The Agency  received three proposals                                                               
for an  initial professional services  contract for Phase II  for                                                               
pre-construction services  with a  maximum amount  not to  exceed                                                               
$200,000 for time  and materials. The Agency will be  coming back                                                               
to Council after  working with the design team and  negotiating a                                                               
maximum allowable construction  cost, which is estimated  at this                                                               
time to be $22,575,000. The evaluation committee for this RFP was                                                               
appointed by Chair  Hawker and they have a recommendation  to the                                                               
Council to award RFP 598 to Dawson Construction, Inc.                                                                           
SENATOR HUGGINS asked about the final cost expended for Phase I.                                                                
MS. VARNI  responded that it  was approximately $1.8 million  for                                                               
the crawl space and portico work.                                                                                               
10:21:06 AM                                                                                                                   
SENATE PRESIDENT HUGGINS  moved that Legislative Council award  a                                                               
professional services  contract for pre-construction services  to                                                               
Dawson Construction,  Inc. not  to exceed $200,000  per RFP  598:                                                               
Alaska  State Capitol,  Seismic Retrofit  & Exterior  Renovation,                                                               
Phase II.                                                                                                                       
A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                     
YEAS:   Chenault, Gruenberg,  Johnson, Pruitt, Huggins,  Coghill,                                                               
        Egan, Stevens, Micciche, Hawker                                                                                         
NAYS: None                                                                                                                      
The motion passed 10-0.                                                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE  GRUENBERG  asked  for   confirmation  that  since                                                               
Council was no longer in executive session, the materials related                                                               
to  that  item  could  be disposed  of  as  normal.  He  received                                                               
confirmation in the form of a staff member nodding yes.                                                                         
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                                                                      
     a. October 30, 2013                                                                                                      
     10:22:54 AM                                                                                                              
     SENATE  PRESIDENT  HUGGINS   moved  that  the  minutes  from  the                                                          
     Legislative  Council meeting on October  30, 2013 be  approved as                                                          
     A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
     YEAS:   Chenault, Gruenberg,  Johnson, Pruitt,  Huggins, Coghill,                                                          
             Egan, Stevens, Micciche, Hawker                                                                                    
     NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
     The motion passed 10-0.                                                                                                    
 IV. CONTRACT APPROVAL                                                                                                        
     a. Kodiak LIO                                                                                                            
     JULI   LUCKY,   staff   to   Legislative  Council,   said   that,                                                          
     unfortunately, after  reviewing the minutes of  the last meeting,                                                          
     she realized that Council had adopted an incorrect motion for the                                                          
     Kodiak LIO in  approving just a one year lease extension when the                                                          
     document was  actually a five year lease extension.  By this next                                                          
     motion, Council would just be approving what was presented at the                                                          
     last  meeting; all of  the back-up  and all of  the presentations                                                          
     were  for a five  year extension  but the motion  was incorrectly                                                          
     10:25:01 AM                                                                                                              
     SENATE PRESIDENT HUGGINS moved that Legislative Council authorize                                                          
     the chairman  to approve a four-year renewal, in  addition to the                                                          
     one-year  renewal approved on October  30, 2013, of  the existing                                                          
     lease agreement for the Kodiak Legislative Information Office and                                                          
     Legislators' District  Office space for a cost  of $69,848.64 per                                                          
     year  until October  31,  2018, with  CPI-Urban adjustments  each                                                          
     A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
     YEAS:   Chenault, Gruenberg,  Johnson, Pruitt,  Huggins, Coghill,                                                          
             Egan, Stevens, Micciche, Hawker                                                                                    
     NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
     The motion passed 10-0.                                                                                                    
b. Westlaw Access                                                                                                             
10:27:11 AM                                                                                                                   
Legislative  Council took  a  brief  at-ease at  the  request  of                                                               
Representative Gruenberg to ask a question of staff.                                                                            
10:28:10 AM                                                                                                                   
SPEAKER CHENAULT called Council back to order.                                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE GRUENBERG,  in response  to Mr. Gardner's  inquiry                                                               
about his question  or concern during the at-ease, said  he spoke                                                               
with Ms. Varni and is okay to go forward with this item.                                                                        
DOUG GARDNER, Director of Legal Services, said that he approached                                                               
Chair Hawker  to ask  that he  consider, as procurement  officer,                                                               
authorizing an  exempt procurement  for purposes  of the  Westlaw                                                               
contract. As the Council members may know,  there are really only                                                               
two  providers  of  online legal  research  that  meet  the  high                                                               
standard of  thoroughness that is demanded  in the work  of Legal                                                               
Services and  Legislative Research. While Westlaw  and LexisNexis                                                               
provide similar services, there are some  distinct differences in                                                               
the results. In discussions among staff  of Legal Services, there                                                               
is  a  general  consensus that  a  search  conducted  using  each                                                               
provider's software does furnish different  results, often enough                                                               
to  make it  worthwhile to  have access  to  both resources.  Mr.                                                               
Gardner said he requested that Representative Hawker authorize an                                                               
exempt procurement for Westlaw and the Chair  approved it. It's a                                                               
very  good decision  because it  maintains  the diversity  needed                                                               
between the two systems to get the  best answers possible for the                                                               
Mr. Gardner noted  that there are additional details in  his memo                                                               
to Chair  Hawker and  Legislative Council  where he outlined  the                                                               
increase in  online services coupled  with a decrease in  printed                                                               
materials in the proposed Westlaw contract.                                                                                     
SENATE PRESIDENT HUGGINS asked if the proposed contract amount of                                                               
$135,583.47 was an annual amount or for the total of three years.                                                               
MR. GARDNER  confirmed that the $135,583.47  was for a  total for                                                               
three years. He added that in the  past, the services provided by                                                               
Westlaw for both online and print materials were considered under                                                               
one  price package  and that  those services  will be  considered                                                               
separately from  now on. While  the Westlaw online accounts  cost                                                               
more, the  overall price  tag presented today  is about 11%  less                                                               
than the  combined printed materials  and online services in  the                                                               
prior three years.                                                                                                              
     10:32:21 AM                                                                                                              
     SENATE  PRESIDENT  HUGGINS moved  move  that Legislative  Council                                                          
     approve  a  three-year  contract  with West,  a  Thomson  Reuters                                                          
     Business,  to provide  access to  online legal  research services                                                          
     through Westlaw for a cost of $135,583.47.                                                                                 
     A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
     YEAS:   Chenault, Gruenberg,  Johnson, Pruitt,  Huggins, Coghill,                                                          
             Egan, Stevens, Micciche, Hawker                                                                                    
     NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
     The motion passed 10-0.                                                                                                    
  V. OTHER COMMITTEE BUSINESS                                                                                                 
     a. Late Travel Reimbursement Requests                                                                                    
     There  being  no questions  from  Council  regarding late  travel                                                          
     reimbursement  requests for  Representatives  Foster, Seaton  and                                                          
     Kreiss-Tomkins, the Speaker asked for a motion.                                                                            
     10:34:11 AM                                                                                                              
     SENATE  PRESIDENT HUGGINS moved that  Legislative Council approve                                                          
     the  following  late  travel  and  per  diem  claims  for  travel                                                          
     commencing on the following dates:                                                                                         
        · Rep. Neal Foster - July 29, 2013.                                                                                     
        · Rep. Paul Seaton - August 12 and August 15, 2013.                                                                     
        · Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tompkins - October 1, 2013.                                                                      
     A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
     YEAS:   Chenault, Gruenberg,  Johnson, Pruitt,  Huggins, Coghill,                                                          
             Egan, Stevens, Micciche, Hawker                                                                                    
     NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
     The motion passed 10-0.                                                                                                    
     There being no further business before the committee, the                                                                  
     Legislative Council meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.                                                                    
     10:35:31 AM                                                                                                              

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
Agenda 12.18.2013.pdf JLEC 12/18/2013 10:00:00 AM
IIa. RFP 598.pdf JLEC 12/18/2013 10:00:00 AM
IVa. Kodiak LIO Lease.pdf JLEC 12/18/2013 10:00:00 AM
IVb. Westlaw Access.pdf JLEC 12/18/2013 10:00:00 AM
Va. Late Travel Requests.pdf JLEC 12/18/2013 10:00:00 AM